Chorus Expectations

1. Members are expected to attend all concerts. Dates for these events will be given well in advance. There will be approximately 4 concerts per year Fall, Winter, Large Group Performance Evaluation & Spring Concerts.

2. You must purchase ($40) a band/chorus uniform. The uniform is an ECMS Fine Arts Department Polo & Band or Chorus T-shirt for them to keep. Black pants or skirts and dress shoes are also required.

3. Once a student is registered for band & chorus, he/she is expected to remain in band/ chorus for the entire school year.

4. Band/Chorus students are expected to show mature and appropriate behavior. Due to the number of off-campus events at which we perform, students are expected to display appropriate behavior during class to be selected to participate in field trips. Band/Chorus classes are typically much larger than other classes, so individual behavior issues could result in dismissal from the program.

5. Students may take both band and chorus, and many do!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

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