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ECMS Clinic

Medical Forms- See County Website under School Health

Common Viruses and Illnesses in School:

Pink Eye: Must be treated with antibiotics and may return to school once treatment is started. Strep Throat: Must be treated with antibiotics. May return to school after at least 24 hours of treatment and fever free for 24 hours. Viral Gastroenteritis: May return to school after symptoms are gone for 24 hours. Fever: If your child has a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, you must keep them home for 24 hours after the temperature has returned to normal without any fever reducing medication. Vomiting /Diarrhea: Please remember your child must be fever free, and have not vomited or had diarrhea for at least 24 hours before he or she is sent back to school. This decreases the spread of the bacteria or virus to other students and faculty. Medication Procedures during School Whenever it is necessary for your child to receive medication at school, the following policy must be followed: A school nurse or school designee may administer medication provided all of the requirements are met.

All medicine shall be in its original LABELED container or prescription bottle.

Written instructions for prescription medication must be from a doctor or a physician's assistant authorized to prescribe medicine. How to administer, amount to be administered, time to be administered, etc., must be shown.

A written request by the parent or guardian must be made to the school nurse or school designee to administer any medication. The school nurse or school designee shall keep a written report of medication administered.

If you have any questions or concerns about your students health needs, please call the school.